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Software Licensing

Software Licensing

Software and data licensing is a critical aspect of today’s electronic commerce, web design and software development.

It would amaze most people to know the amount of unlicensed software and/or data that is being transmitted across the Internet, being used internally in large corporations or being spun off to subsidiaries.

If you are a software developer, if you use software, or if you are just interested in making copies of software that you have, you should be very interested and very concerned about making sure that your software licenses are adequate and being complied with. Obtaining a software license is not a difficult procedure, but it is a necessary one.

Data licensing is becoming more and more prevalent as the internal tracking mechanisms of Web traffic become more sophisticated. As the tracking devices start to build profiles of consumers and demographics of geographic areas, the ability to license that information (data) or share that data with other marketing related Internet firms becomes more and more lucrative and interesting. Because of the of ability to move huge amounts of data through the Internet and, the existence of a data licensing, whether the entity be a receiver (buyer) or a supplier (seller) of data, is crucial.

A data license protects the entity receiving the data from any of improper usage that the seller may be undertaking and in the reverse, a solid data license can protect the provider of data from any improper use that the buyer of the data may seek to undertake.

Some attorneys have extensive experience in dealing with software and data licensing. Whether it is a review of an existing software or data license or the drafting of a new data or software license, Your lawyer can provide data and software providers and users with solid agreements geared to protect the parties well into the future.
